Thursday, February 2, 2012

Daily Reminders...

I am reminded EVERY single day...
1. How my hair is "white people hair" (not just red)

2. How adorable this little girly is:)

3. How much I miss my mom... (these drawings are for you!)

4. How white I am...

6. How valuable sleep is, and how LITTLE I get because of this little one....

 7. How much I enjoy watching this little bundle of complete happiness:)

8. How badly I want to get married

9. How much I am in love with this man:)

10. How much I want one....
I can wait... But I DON'T want to:)..... but I will;)
I love being here... But I have a wedding to plan so I'm coming back home to stay on....

MARCH 3RD, 2012!!!

Long time without the man... But it must be done:)
Can't wait to see the family!! Love and miss you all!!