So blogging about Christmas and New Years is going to have to wait because
It's kind of a big deal:)
I met Scotti November 4th 2009, on my 17th birthday while Scotti was on his mission.
He started writing me when he got transferred to Pleasant Grove and the Salt Lake mission was split in two.
He asked if he could call me his "girl back home" on August 9, 2010... 8/9/10:) I happily said I'd be delighted:)
I traveled to North Carolina on August 12, 2011, a couple weeks after Scotti got off his mission.
We played the long distance game until December 19th, when I made the move to North Carolina:)
I got to spend Christmas and the New Year with the love of my life, and got my very first true love's New Years kiss at midnight:):)
On January 3rd, my sister Kylie's birthday and the day that Scotti's sister had her baby boy, Dallin Cole, Scotti took me to the place where we went to dinner on our first real date, Texas Steakhouse in Smithfield, NC.
We were seated in the perfect spot, right before we ordered he stood up, and shouted, "Excuse me everybody!" My heart jumped and my face turned the color of my hair. All the waiters and waitresses surrounded the area we were sitting and customers around us turned to get a peek. After he had everyone's eyes, he got down on one knee and said, "Jaycie... I want the whole world to know how much I love you and that it's strong and that I'm so proud of it. I know I screw up a lot, but I love you and I want to spend the rest of eternity with you. Will you marry me?" As I'm bawling my eyes out and girls are awwwwing and cooing, I kissed him on the lips and all I could do was nod my head. He slipped the ring on my finger and everyone applauded:) Someone screamed that we should get a picture but both of us had left our phones in the car... Haha ironic right?! So a random, wonderful woman took our picture and we gave the my phone number so we could get the picture.

We ate our delicious meal and compliments of the manager, they brought out a delicious dessert for us to share:) He took me bowling after, and it was our lucky night because it was 25 cents a game!!! We played 8 games and sat in massage chairs together at the bowling alley:) BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE:)
Thank you Scotti for creating the perfect start!
(Plus the ring is beautiful:))