Because most of you know about my missionary (for those of you who don't... He's my tall, blue-eyed, blonde-haired, dream boy:)) I'm gonna skip the explaination for WHY I moved out here to the east coast. Yes, call me cliche', love struck, or what you will, but I'm very very VERY happy where I stand:)
I moved out here just before Chirstmas and got to spend it with Scotti:) I loved every minute but missed the fam a bunch. I wanted to make sure the move was for myself, and that this would be a huge growing adventure for me... so I found a cute little family to be a live in nanny for:) I babysit an (almost) two-year-old named Khimanie who is CRAZY BUSY all day long! I now know the meaning of terrible twos.... but she's ADORABLE.

My room is comfortable, roomy, and cute:) The house is very nice and they feed me well... Sometimes a little TOO well.. This southern food is going to make me CHUBB-AAAAA. Mark my words... Especially with Miss Sally makin all her chicken and mashed potatoes:) I've found out my favorite part of southern culture is how children always answer to their mother with a "Yes ma'am.." :) Gotta love southern hospitality:)
Everything is a LOT different and I still have a lot to get used to.. but I'm getting the hang of things! I will give some more DEETS about Christmas and New Years when I get a moment:) I miss you all and am stalking everyone on Facebook so I can keep tabs:) Happy New Year!
Being a nanny is the best huh?! :) haha. I love that you are out adventuring. I love that I did it, and I am continuing to learn a lot. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have! :)